Sunday 14 June 2009

someday I'll be far out enough I can't go looking for trouble

L@@K at what I got as belated birthday presents {:

Protruding through the pictures these hate-all faces claim my mind. Skies are blind, trees are blind - I stick out like a sore thumb with my open eyes. I see myself a lark, caged in this colour-blind vortex -- suddenly a prism splits, I claim my name; etched in Onyx.~*~

Exams have been absolutely ghastly. The worst thing is I now know what I'm letting myself in for and have another week of synoptics ahead of me. I know I have Egypt at the end but I'm finding it hard to not let packing and whatnot take priority. The chances of me getting into brum are looking slimmer by the day, i just feel utterly swamped ) : bright side = all my english literature exams / most important / are over. So a little less pressure I guess.

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they're just dull light